We love

Supporting Pastors

Whether it's a quick encouraging word or a long-term partnership, we're here to help pastors fulfill their calling.

Here's a few ways we do that.

Monthly Pastors' Lunch & Learn

Life happens in community, but for pastors, community can be hard to find.

That’s why we get together local pastors and staff each month to share hearts, link arms, and grow together.

We’d love to welcome YOU to join us! Just e-mail [email protected], call us at 239-433-2292, or text me on my cell phone, and we’ll get you on the list!

Weekly Email "Quick Notes"

Life is hectic, which is why my weekly e-newsletter, “Quick Notes,” provides quick clips of news to use.

Timely issues, events, links, connections, reminders, and heart-to-heart encouragement are there for you!

Our guys tell me this simple tool regularly reminds them that they are not alone. Want to be included on the list? Just click the button below.

Printable Ministry "Quick Guides"

Life is complex, which is why we’ve created “Quick Guides” on many topics to help you get through the jungle.

The one-page info-graphics and outlines will save you tons of time and energy in charting your way forward.

Topics include administration, IRS issues, church polity, conflict resolution, SBC hot topics, ordination steps, church ceremonies, heart issues, and much more!

Personal Connection

Life is lonely, but only if we embrace a self-sufficient, pull yourself up by your own bootstraps lifestyle.

That is why my email, phone, and text lines are always open to you, my friends, to compare notes and share hearts.

Whether it’s my place, your place, breakfast, or lunch, I’m there for you and I’ll buy!